Did you see Rodney on Sid Roth?
Thank you so much for wanting to contact Rodney Hogue Ministries. This ministry exists to equip saints to walk out their destiny. Though his latest book focuses on deliverance, this is not a deliverance ministry but one that equips saints in all areas related to the Kingdom of God.
Dr. Hogue is an itinerant equipper. His time is now devoted to equipping, teaching, mentoring, and training leaders in order to multiply what he has spent over 40 years doing. That time commitment means that he is unable to provide personal counseling either in person or by phone to the hundreds who are seeking it.
This is the reason for the book. What Dr. Hogue can’t do in person is laid out in his book, “Liberated,” available anywhere books are sold. As you read, you will find that as a believer, you possess authority over the enemy. You can stop coming into agreement with the enemy, and come into agreement with heaven. In the book you will see that every deliverance Dr. Hogue personally received was just him and the Holy Spirit. Once a believer knows the authority they have, they can exercise that authority. Every believer has authority over demons and authority over their body. The second half of the book focuses on rebuilding godly strongholds and there are several declarations that detail who you are in Christ.
This is how Dr. Hogue ministers deliverance: he doesn’t do it for you or to you. He seeks to empower you to pull on God within you to walk out the authority of Christ and exercise it in your life. That is what the book seeks to do. It is your personal journey of walking out your identity and authority in Christ. It is also important to have a group of believers that you are in covenant with to walk with you. Long distance ministry might provide some temporary relief, but it takes a body of believers who are walking with you and praying for you to find lasting freedom.
Our team is actively responding to all of the correspondence we are receiving, and will respond to your message as soon as we can. If you are writing for prayer, we will certainly put your prayer needs before our intercession team.
Thank you,
RHMinistries Administration Team.